Located on the first floor, the Gwinnett Campus Learning Resource Center offers students, faculty, and staff access to the collections of the UGA Libraries, as well as to the GALILEO suite of databases. There are 10 computer workstations, a private study room, and several tables available for group work.


The campus Library Manager, Charles Crisman, is on-site to assist all students, including Graduate, Doctorial, and Continuing Education. Mr. C. will be happy to help you with:

  • Consultation and guidance for literature searches.
  • Consultation and guidance for research writing.
  • Reference citation and APA formatting.
  • Classroom instruction on identifying, locating and retrieving valid peer reviewed materials.
  • Resume building and career website instruction.
  • Basic computing and MS Office software instruction.

Consultation and instruction can be done virtually via email, Google Docs, or in person. Please call or email Mr. Crisman at gwinlib@uga.edu or 678-985-6798 to make an appointment.


The Learning Resource Center is open to use as a work and study space during regular operating hours, Monday-Friday from 8am-10pm and Saturday from 8am-5pm. The campus is closed on Sunday.

Research Sources

The UGA Libraries Website provides access to a wide variety of print and other resources.

www.libs.uga.edu – Find books, e-books, videos, etc. owned by the library. Most books may be checked out by graduate students for 125 days, renewed online, or recalled from other users. When a UGA copy is checked out or missing, students can also find and borrow books from other Georgia public higher educational institutions. Books will be delivered in 3-5 days by GIL Express.

GIL Universal Catalog – Find books at other Georgia public higher educational institutions, especially when the UGA copy is checked out or missing. Use GIL Express (delivery in 3-5 days) to borrow items.

WorldCat (also Worldcat.org) – Extend your research using this combined library catalog. Find books at thousands of libraries across the country and around the world. Borrow them using Interlibrary Loan.


Printing is available through a WEPA print kiosk for $.07 per page in B&W and $.50 per page in color.

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